Well, anyways, I had asked permission to post the correction sheet she sent me to the Adorable Knits for Tots book and she said yes, so I am now posting it for ya'll.
Lacy sweater - Back -
edging ratios are 14(16:18:19)
Funky Tank Top - Tension/gauge -
20 sts and 28 rows to 10cm/4in
Pirate Sweater - Sizes -
6-12 mths 1-2 2-3 4-5
Pirate sweater: rib instructions should read as follows:
Rep last 2 rows until rib measures 3(4:4:5)cm / 11/4(11/2:11/2:2)in from cast-on edge, ending with a 1st rib row.
Chunky cable sweater
6th row should read 'as 2nd row' (not 4th)
P 126
Cabled hat with earflaps
Earflaps 11th row should read: K5, p1, C6F, p1, k5
Ok ya'll, I TRULY hope this helps you so you don't get into the pickle that I got into and once again, thank you Jennifer, you are a really good person!!!
Now onto some knitting/yarn chat. For those of you who know me and have to listen to my incessant chatter regarding yarns and what ones I am DYING to have *grin* then you KNOW how bad I have been wanting to get my paws on some of the new Vicki Howell series by SouthWest Trading Company....well, I scoured!! I am soooooo excited to get my shipment and of course I will give a full review *giggle* when it comes and I get my little paws on it. I got it at WEBS http://yarn.com/webs/0/0/0/0-0-1294/0/1130/ Believe me, I have checked ALL the places and they are either sold out OR they have only a VERY small supply with LIMITED colors. WEBS had it all, it was the motherload and I found myself breaking out into a cold sweat the MINUTE I logged on. I did call them first to make sure they did indeed have what I wanted in stock and I HIGHLY recommend that with your purchases to ANY store, not just WEBS, trust me, it creates ALOT less heartache LOL.
WEBS was GREAT, I *heart* them. I have been waiting for this yarn to launch, I am a HUGE fan of Vicki Howell and I watch her show EVERY night (I tivo it) and I also watch the Stylishish show with her as well. Well, from watching this and reading her site, I just couldn't WAIT to try this. The milk fiber/cotton has me the most intrigued, I can't wait....did I say that already LOL.
Ok, also, on the knitting front, Mister Man has talked me into knitting him a hat like Miss Priss (they were REALLY ornery today can ya tell) with the tassel BUT he wants it out of this green Katia Diana yarn. It has angora in it and I decided to try it and see if I TRULY am allergic to it. It seems I wondered if I am allergic to angora because awhile back I had some yarn that had it and also some fiber and when I came in physical contact with it, well, I develop this horrible rash AND I get a SPLITTING headache. So, I thought, there is only one way to test this, I would not have wanted to test it if people kept telling me that I wasn;t truly allergic to it, that being allergic to angora was impossible. Guess what, I just took a Benedryl right before I started this blog entry and I have a LOVELY set of red bumps all over me AND my headache is letting up. Guess I do truly have a problem with it. That's ok though, I wasn't loving knitting the hat in this yarn, it just looked off ya know. While Mister Man will be sad tomorrow when I tell him, believe me, I am not lacking for yarn for him to go through. He wants "grass green"..don't ask, he's cute, but VERY persistent!
Well, it is the end of February, my dad's birthday and of course a month away from April, this is when I start talking and I KEEP talking............please,please, PLEASE always read this and keep ALL of it in the back of your mind when you have family moments.
April is Autism Awareness month..............please, be aware.
My son is Autistic, he is one 1.5 million Americans diagnosed with Autism. Here are just a few facts that I will periodically post until May. Autism is a national crisis, a child is diagnosed every 20 minutes in America. If you love someone with Autism or you know someone who has been touched by this disorder then you KNOW that you are NEVER prepared for a child with Autism. It can tear your family apart. Little things like smiles and hugs can be things you long for from your child. Autism is the fastest growing disability in America, this TRULY breaks my heart. We LIVE it, we BREATH it and most of all, we love someone with Autism. Please take time to learn a little bit regarding this disorder and talk about it, pray for it, and help spread the word. With more and more recognition, it brings all of us closer to more research and hopefully, a cure someday. It is NEVER to late. Thank you for listening. Look at Mister Man and tell me how I can turn my back on fighting like hell to find a cure!!