Saturday, April 28, 2007


Hey ya'll!! Since this has turned out alot better than expected, thanks to many of my blog friends who have been posting the sale on their blogs.......I will be adding some more of the YUMMY yarns I have secretly hidden in VERY strategic spots through-out my house. *giggle*

I will be posting them this evening, Mr. Mann isn't feeling up to perfect so I kind of have him stuck like glue to me........but I don't mind, he's a cutie *grin* please check back to see what yarny goodness you might want. I am SURE I have SOMETHING that might tickle the needles!!

APRIL IS AUTISM AWARENESS MONTH...............PLEASE...................BE AWARE!!

****On a side note, I want to take a second and thank ALL of you for your questions, comments, concerns, all of it regarding Autism and Autism research. NEVER feel funny about asking me about it.........If I put it out on the blog, I do understand people may wanna know more!! Mr. Mann will be featured on Anne of website for April. Please be sure to check it out. Here is a statement out of the mouths of babes so to speak.............

"Mason, what do you think other families want to know about how it feels to be Autistic"

ANSWER---"It feels fine I guess. It doesn't make you sick or anything like that. I think it makes me smart *insert adorable grin from him here*
If I didn't have Autism, then I would not be me, I would be different and I like me the way I am. Other kids should like themselves too. Everyone is different in some way mom, we were made that way. Mom, don't you think it would be gross if we were all alike? "

MOM'S ANSWER- "Yes, Mr. Mann, I do think it would be gross *wink*"

That is just a minor excerpt. I did fix his spelling but this is straight from the horses mouth ya'll!!! Be aware, please, tell others and help our families not to be alone in this fight. Our children need YOU!!!!


Maddy said...

Well it's a great excerpt - now I'll nip over to the site and take a peek.
Best wishes

Cheryl said...

Oh Debbie, thanks so much for sharing those words of wosdom from Mr Mann!! What a smart cookie he is. That's a life lesson we all need to be reminded of from time to time!

Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

Hey Mr. Mann IS smart! He sounds adorable and loving as a matter of fact. I could give him a great big squeege. ;-)