Friday, March 30, 2007

Spring is in the air and so is a CLUE!!!!

LOOK..........the first signs of Spring. I am so excited.....can you guess what this is??? It is the start of my hydrangea bush again. We chop it every year and of course every year I panic and SWEAR it isn't coming back and every year, it comes back BIGGER and BETTER than the year before.

When you pull into our drive and get out, the first thing you smell when you pull into the drive, depending on the time of year of course and what is blooming.

Here are the first buds on the apple tree. Now the birds will soon have a little house to hide in and chirp again. They hate being out in the wide open and I always feel so bad for them, they have no closure around them........not for long;)

And of course, Mr. Mann...............look how big he is getting. He is all in his "cool" gear for riding his scooter. He loves his new helmet!

He is really a great kid. Check Anne's site during the month of April for an exclusive interview with Mr. Mann and what HE has to say about being Autistic and what it means to him and what he wants other kids and parents to know. Remember folks, April is Autism awareness month...................please, be aware.

Now for your clue................write this down gang, I will be giving you letters that contain the answer *giggle* also, look this weekend for you goodies that you could win, I will be photographing them...of course in their natural habitat LOL....I found a few more things I may toss in to sweeten the pot. Tell your friends to come on over and take a guess.

Here you go ::::::::T


SpindleKnits said...

Hmmm...can I buy a vowel? LOL
Mr. Mann sure does look cool in his scooter gear! Way to go, Mr. Mann!

Danielle said...

Oh Debbieknitter girlfriend I'm such a bad guesser, I'm never gonna be able to make a guess. Mr. Man is stylin' in his gear. Looking awesome and being protected at the same time, how can one go wrong?

knitspot anne said...

those sunglasses are a riot!

Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

Mr Mann is a cool look super hero dud! Stylin' specs too.

Tttttttt ... nope, not a clue in my brain. Wait... a Teapot maybe?

Sara said...

Love the photo of Mr. Mann in his scooter gear...

I'm guessing: TAXES!!!