Ok, almost all of my friends know I am a HUGE thrift shop lover. I ADORE hunting at garage sales and I LOVE thrift shops. I could shop all day long, sifting through what some consider rubbish. I DON'T dumpster dive though, I DO have my standards *giggle*...
Alrighty, onto business. A couple of weeks ago, I was at the thrift shop looking around and I always go and look at the toys, ya never know right?! Well, I stumbled onto THIS:
Next subject, my sinuses hurt and I am all whiny about it................so THIS is my medication, need I say more?
*drum rolls starting* Here comes knitting
THIS little beauty is Debbie Bliss Alpaca Silk. I LOVE it, what's the problem you ask.....well, I got 17 balls of it and NOTHING to make out of it. I was FREAKING out. It is GORGEOUS yarn but I had no idea what to make out of it. I was really starting to get upset when http://www.knitspot.com/ Anne, suggested I make the HYPOTALOVE!! (REALLY called hypotenuse)Now if you look (trust me, you won't have to look hard LOL) close,if you see the 4th row down, you'll see where I screwed it up, I can't figure out what I am doing to this poor thing but it is NOT the pattern, trust me. Somehow, I jogged off course and at this point, I am SICK of tearing it out so I am gonna start COMPLETELY over. Sometimes, ya just gotta start from the beginning. There, THAT's what I am doing with that, but honestly, isn't is soooo pretty?!
Nexxxxttt: Can you say YARN PORN? Sorry mom, but REALLY, isn't this just some stunning cotton? I know, I know, I SWORE that I hated cotton but that was before I met my friend Jaeger, lemme tell you people, THIS is some dang nice cotton. *Insert ohhh's and ahhhs here* The problem is, I can't decide which kind I like most. Both have entirely differnt qualities and both are for completely different patterns. I will swatching them this weekend and I'll keep ya posted but seriously, go feel some Jaeger :0
This is the last of the yarn/knitting/needles/books catagory, porn......I KNOW mom, but see, it's just the only way to describe this. *running for cover from my mother cuz she hates the word porn* hehehe
I have been jonesing for the Vicki Howell book since it came out, I have looked at every internet shop in site and drooled and yearned to get my paws on it. Well, I must say *this is killing me* even though I am a HUGE Vicki Howell fan, and I mean HUGE, I do not care for this book. Why you ask, well because I paid $15 for a book of patterns that are ALL available on the DIYNETWORK for free. Before I purchased this book, I was not under the impression that all of these patterns were all from the show and for free. I would have prefered to know it because honestly, I wouldn't have bought it. I feel it should have been said from the start of promo that this is what this book was full of and I am really sad. Also, I was under the impression that the patterns were from Vicki Howell herself and that isn't the case, there is one in there...........but......... I dunno, I just was kind of disappointed :(
Now the Favorite Socks book from Interweave Knits, YEHAW!!! I LOVE it. I know that THESE patterns are all from the old issues and stuff and have been printed already, but I don't have most of these. I have 2 I think and that is stretching it;) But my point is, I HIGHLY recommend it, AND, don't socks rock?? *giggle* that's a name of a yarn.
Now, I THINK that I have just made the longest post ever, I think it only fair I end it now without further yabbling, BUT if you knew me in real life, you would feel the pain my friends and family go through having "chats" with me *giggle* King1 is just thankful he taught me how to do this laptop thingy and I can blog hahahahahaha.
Happy Knitting my friends.
I can be a real talker myself, believe me! You know I can leave a wordy comment or two by the one's I've left on your blog, am I right? I love all your yarn porn for the day. New yarn and yarn books can be so fun, fun, fun!I love Knitty Gritty too, but I'd be disappointed if I got Vicky Howell's book and it had all the projects you can get for free on diynet! Man, that sucks!The other book about socks looks awesome. I hope your sinus pain clears up soon, the perscription should read: take 2 girl scout cookies every hour as needed while symptoms persist.hahaha!
i am SO jealous of that barbie case full of barbies . . .
Hi DebbieKnit. Thanks for your comments ... especially the one about me not being so weird, hehe. But your mother inlaw ... now SHE's weird. Well I do moan in my sleep ... but not so that it bother's anybody ... much.
I'd be upset about that book also, but I don't get DYI and I guess it's for people like that. Well I could go to their website, but I don't. I have one of her books tho & I don't really like it much either. Didn't turn out to be what I thought it would be but I didn't want to mail it back to Amazon either. I might give it to my daughter.
And about those Barbies ... I am soooo jealous also. What a FIND!
Hey Debbie thanks for stopping by my blog! Good score on the barbies.
Hubby says I can turn a 30 second story into 2 hours, so I hear you on the talker bit ;-)! BTW. I like your fingerless mitts way better than mine...yours are in yummy handspun :)! What kind of increases did you do for your thumb gusset?
Thanks for the response! (I made mine the same way to not have the little hole too!)
Still laughing at your "Hypoteneuse" travails! The same thing has been happening to me, whenever I get interested in a television show. My "Hypoteneuse" is now 6' long, with a couple of repeats to go because I'm making it a little wider and longer than the pattern calls for--and I had to rip back a piece of it just last night. It makes me feel really stupid, because the pattern is so rhythmic and fun to knit. :-)
The problem is caused by leaving out the yarnover after the K2tog on the right side. All you really need to do, is rip back to the right-side row, and then take the knitting back to the problem spot in the middle of the row.
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