Tuesday, November 14, 2006

It seems like just yesterday

.......That my sweet (ok, not ALL the time) little girl was born. I remember exactly what I was doing at this time when she was born, this very moment. I was "waiting" with my husband in the hospital while he was watching the sports catching up on Ohio State. I was so excited I couldn't stand it. Every time the nurse came in I would laugh and say "Well, I think she is gonna stay in there until she graduates"...but seriously, that last ultra-sound they did, I SWEAR I saw her diploma in her hand, she had NO intentions of leaving her little home!!LOL

Now here we are 3 yars later, she is so beautiful and full of life. I hope life has nothing but the best in store for her. I can see her personality already. She is spirited and dependent, no man will need to take care of HER, unless she WANTS them to. She has that same spark in her eyes as her brother, that one that says "Have no fear, I can handle it". She is also tender and sweet and inquisitive and curious all rolled into one. She is also her daddy's girl!
As you can see........But she is also mommy's little "Sismo-Pismo" LOL .

Happy Birthday Little Mikaela. Your so beautiful and you amaze me more and more every day. I hope you always have the very best that life has to offer you and I hope you never see the world with jaded eyes, I hope you always smile when your feeling silly and you giggle when your having fun. I hope you are just as close with Mason in 20 years as you are today just as I am with my brothers.

Happy Day baby girl!

1 comment:

Sara said...

A vert Happy Birthday to Mikaela! She is a very pretty little girl...you are blessed...