Read this first part, feel free to ignore the rest, it is a vent!
Motorcycles are cool..............NOT
Please keep in mind, I have personal issues as to WHY I now feel this way!
If you simply MUST have a motorcycle, for whatever the reason (and trust me, I TRULY understand any and ALL reasoning)....then PLEASE, wear a helmet. They will 97.5% of the time save your life. A helmet prevents your head from cracking on pavement and then your brain, YES, your brain from being splashed on the road. No need for visuals here.
Next, wear protective gear, jacket,goggles,gloves,boots, why you ask, so that IF something DOES happen, you are not the latest stain on the road.
With that said...thank you for the prayers, they worked!
Brad is doing great and Kimmy (his wife) needs a nice vacation ;)
I love you both.
Now for the venting or bitchiness, however you choose to view it ;) The following is just some stuff that has been really on my mind. Things I just can't figure out, or maybe I just don't get it, I dunno. Mr. DebbieKnitter says I need to just ignore these things and/or people and not even consider them/things at all, but sometimes I can't, I think to much.Soooo, I decided to write it all down and maybe someone with far more wisdom can give me the answers ( always have good advice *hint* heehee)
1.) Why are some people selfish and not others? Why do they suck you dry and then never give in return? Not that I am asking, but I have experienced where one or two people in my life have just drained me and then boom, if I need a friend or someone to talk to, ya never hear from them except weeks later
and then it is all about them....never once considering I may wanna chat...
2.) Why do some people ALWAYS think they know it all. By this, I mean, why do some people, even in casual conversation, always have to say things like..if I say "I notice the weather is hotter lately" (pure example) and their response is "Well, no actually, it's not hot, it is worse where I live" I dunno if I am explaining this right, but it's along those lines. I call them "I know it all and you don't" people....drives me nuts.
3.) Why can some people just be so arrogant and so much so, they smear it in your face and everyone Else's?
4.) Why do some people just use others? Even when they know they are using someone, they do it and never even feel bad about it?
5.) Why is it whenever I go to a restaurant, the waitress ALWAYS asks ME if I want diet coke...when it is really Mr. DebbieKnitter that I just look like the type of person who would drink it and not lemonade or tea? (just sayin')
6.) Why do some people insist in a rather insulting way, that they are much smaller in size then you are? Does it really matter? I mean gimme a break, it's insulting to hear it and just irritating.
7.) Why is it that people almost never tell you if you have spinach in between your teeth. THIS really gets me. I mean, they will let you go around smiling and chatting with every Tom,Dick and Harry with it hanging there and never say a word. I want you all to know, I WOULD tell you.
8.) Why do your children wait until the phone rings to start fighting?
9.) Why do some people say things that aren't very nice about their supposed to be friends, then pretend to be nice to them knowing full well they just spent 2 hours making fun of them in a rude the way, in case anyone (and I know ya'll would never do it) DOES do this, trust me, it ALWAYS gets back to the person who was the blunt of it all....kinda like the fart you try and sneak out so nobody hears you but then the smell follows you and EVERYONE knows it was you.
10.) Why is it that Tylenol NEVER goes on sale when you actually HAVE a waits until your fine and then has a fab sale of like 2 for 1.
Ok, I could keep going but I may cause you all to have high blood pressure. Ok, there ya have, some of my major issues right now....with all this said, I am now taking my monsters over to the Ribs Burn Off with my neighbor who is an absolute gem and I adore her. Then I am taking a nap cuz I am cranky (shocking huh lol)
Knit on my friends!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Peter Piper is GONNA pick

Ahh, the rain spurts over the weekend did my 'maders and peppers good!!!
My pepper plants are trying thier best to survive after those pesky beetles goobled on 'em, keep your fingers crossed.
*whispering* I don't care WHAT Miss Priss says, those beetles waged a war in this here house and I am gonna show them what for!!!
I'm REAAAALLLY hoping my peppers survive though. My 'maders are BOOMING on the other hand. Those things are growing like wild fire,see................. aren't they pretty.

Now let's not forget my GORGEOUS yellow squash. Their babies and just starting right now but WOW, those plants wander. I must admit though, the flowers on it were soooo pretty, I was a bit sad to see them go. Only a bit though, I LOVE squash.

ask and ye' shall receive. Here is the Hamsa. I did have to *insert sound effects of your choice* rip,rip,rip twice though, but now that I am on a roll....look at 'er go! That'll teach me to knit late and fall asleep! I am really loving the rhythm of this pattern. I am hoping to finish it by this weekend to wear to church with a really pretty blouse.

Oh, by the way, does anyone know what color of yarn would go with "safety" (inside joke, but it SERIOUSLY IS safety orange) orange? I have a pretty dress and want to make something to accessorize it but once again......dunno what color to use so I am open to suggestions.
*snif,snif,snif* what's that smell??? *snicker* nooooo, not THAT smell....THIS smell........
here ya go, take some and have and make sure you share ok??

oh lookie here, see what cookies drag in, my MONKIES!!!!

Till next time friends, knit on...and back once again upon popular demand, check out this knitting blog, it is AW -SOME. Please, don't forget to leave comments when you stop by, it always makes someone smile when they know people are reading!! P.s. I LOVE that skirt!!!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Step it up!
Well, FINALLY, I have some knitting content..and cooking too..
I want to get some sock knitting done over the summer. I need to replenish BOTH kids sock drawers as they have shot up a size or two. Leaving behind some very lovely hand knit wool socks to get handed down to other loved ones who will have warm tootsie's.

These are Mr.Mann's Spectator socks, modeled by moi! Such a fun pattern and of course one can NEVER go wrong with Lorna Laces. That is the one tried and true sock yarn around this house besides Briar Rose's Grandma's Blessings. WHICH by the way, if you haven't already checked out Briar Rose's website, PLEASE, do so now ....let's pause for a silent tribute to one of my FAVORITE sites *whispering* now is the time to follow the
ok, back to the regularly scheduled programing;)
Mr.Mann is not 100% sold on the colorway of this particular sock BUT as I told him, GET OVER IT!! They will ALWAYS match something for church. I'm sorry but I am NOT buying anymore yarn and I have done EXCELLENT with not buying any new yarns except once at the Wooster Fiber Fest but it was all for gifts that I have already made and gave away. If you all seen my stash bins, it's a disgrace and with today's faltering economy, time for me to get cheap again. WHICH,by the way, I have no problem doing when I decide to. I have been a bit of a cheapskate this year and even more so the last 4 months or so with gas rising. I just can't justify spending more money on anymore yarn until I use a MAJOR portion of what I got. So there ya have it, my cheapskate story, plus, I am saving up for a new wheel and don't want to blow it on yarn when I can put it towards a precious new item such as a Sacht!
Back to the sock pattern at hand, my goodness, my mind and fingers wanna tell you all so much, it's hard not to stray from one topic to the next. This sock pattern is found at in here shop, also a must pattern. I can crank out a sock in the Spectator pattern in about 4 days, a definite plus when you need a gift in a short amount of time. This pattern can be both masculine AND feminine depending on the yarn weight and colorway you choose. A great way to impress your friends and give them a gift that looks like it took months to do when it was actually, quite speedy to put out.

Ahhhh, my loving Twinnings also another pattern from and can be found in her shop too. I happen to be in LOVE with this particular pattern, so much so that I have made about6 so far to date. I guess you could call me the resident expert on Twinnings:)
I must admit though, this particular Twinnings has stalled a bit, whether it be from boredom or the fact that I know it's for me so I am not pressed for time......I also have fell under the category of using it as a comfort knit lately. I grab it when I want a familiar friend to cuddle up with and share some good time knitting with. At last, I know it's time has come to go to the finish line though and soon it will be done! Till then though, isn't it just ya blame me?? I mean REALLY!
Well, last but certainly not least, I have started on a Little Nothing called Hamas. I am using my own lace weight hand spun in a champagne colorway, merino top...loves it! I wish I could remember where I got this fiber, I would love to spin up some more for a sweater for the wee (sort of) one. I will have pictures of THAT later in the week.
Geesh, all that knitting of course made me hungry so I headed into the kitchen to cute up and saute' some green pepper,red peppers, vadalia onions....mmmmm yummo

then I added some delicious and fresh chopped cilantro and freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Add some stewed tomatoes and chicken, cook through until warmed all the way and then
mix with rice..........presto,dinner is served...whose coming over??

"till next time my friends, grab your knitting and call some friends!!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Take me out to the ballgame, WHAT, no, the POOL!!
Ok, ok, I KNOW I said I would have some knitting progress to show you but, truth is, I'm a summertime slacker!
We had a busy weekend, first off, Mr.KnitterGuy had tickets to the "Tribe" and for those who know him, ya'll know he is a sports nut!!

Here are him and Mr. Mann eating in the lounge before the game!! YUMMO food is all I can say.

Then, I TRIED to get and knit, but they forced me to go to the pool. I couldn't say no....look, Mr.Mann is LOVING it. 

Then of course, Ms.Priss got into the mix, what was I to do???

Takin' after her momma I tell far as confessions go, I gotta say, I was BORN to swim. I was in the pool at at a teeny age. Memories of my family swimming at my aunts house every weekend still flood my brain every time I smell chlorine......I digress.....
Well, THAT'S an easy question, I grab a cold one, get my tubey and kick back and get some rays........NEXT post I'll have knitting pics, I PROMISE!!!

Till next time my friends.....knit on!!
Friday, July 11, 2008
(Ok, back to our regular scheduled programming)
WOW, it's been forever and a day hasn't it?! don't answer that ;)
I hope everyone has been well and those who have read here, please stop back often and take a look around. I'm finishing up some neglected UFO's so I can get started on some FUN stuff. I am getting ready to test knit a scarf pattern by Knitspot at and will post progress photo's when I clear it with the designer first. I never know when one is allowed to post a photo of something that isn't yet out. First though, I have to pick a yarn. I am debating between several and hopefully the swatches help me pick out the one!
I will have some knitting photo's soon and more yummy tidbits. Truth is, I haven't been all that holed up in knitting. We have been doing lots and lots of swimming and poor Miss Gracie (the dog) had a vet stay to be gentle about this....fixed! She is a-ok though.
Until next time, view some pics of a family gathering with generations of knitters past, knitters present and of course future knitters ;)
Mr. KnitterGuy's grandma checks out my handiwork and is very pleased I might add. She knit both the little ones their first booties and hats. Sooooo cute I tell ya.

Till next time my friends, knit on and knit fast!!!
WOW, it's been forever and a day hasn't it?! don't answer that ;)
I hope everyone has been well and those who have read here, please stop back often and take a look around. I'm finishing up some neglected UFO's so I can get started on some FUN stuff. I am getting ready to test knit a scarf pattern by Knitspot at and will post progress photo's when I clear it with the designer first. I never know when one is allowed to post a photo of something that isn't yet out. First though, I have to pick a yarn. I am debating between several and hopefully the swatches help me pick out the one!
I will have some knitting photo's soon and more yummy tidbits. Truth is, I haven't been all that holed up in knitting. We have been doing lots and lots of swimming and poor Miss Gracie (the dog) had a vet stay to be gentle about this....fixed! She is a-ok though.
Until next time, view some pics of a family gathering with generations of knitters past, knitters present and of course future knitters ;)
Mr. KnitterGuy's grandma checks out my handiwork and is very pleased I might add. She knit both the little ones their first booties and hats. Sooooo cute I tell ya.
Mr. KnitterGuys Aunty that lives out of state got to meet Miss Priss for the very first time. She wanted to capture as many photo's as she could for memories. They grow up so very,very fast. Here, this whole time we were worried about what Miss Priss would say or do and it was ME that got caught sticking my tongue out!!! That dang Mr. KnitterGuy is gonna get it for that!
FINALLY, a perfect place to set Mr.Mann and Miss Priss to keep them occupied.....give them a television and some shows they don't get to see ALL the time and BAM, serenity is mine!!!! Does that make me a bad mom LOL
Awwww, some fun "girly" times with Aunty. A glass of wine, knitting and a camera....aaaa good times, good times ;)

Till next time my friends, knit on and knit fast!!!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
God Speed my friend
May your time on earth leave a lasting impression on everyone who knew you.
Rick R. Rodak
Born in Canton, Ohio on Jun. 3, 1967Departed on May 26, 2008 and resided in Canton, OH.
Left behind...a beautiful wife, 4 beautiful children. Prayers and love sent out to the Rodak Family during this very difficult time.
Rick R. Rodak
Born in Canton, Ohio on Jun. 3, 1967Departed on May 26, 2008 and resided in Canton, OH.
Left behind...a beautiful wife, 4 beautiful children. Prayers and love sent out to the Rodak Family during this very difficult time.
Friday, May 16, 2008
New Posting soon to follow
after another brief hiatus, I'm back and gathering LOTS of yummy pics and info. Thanks for all the email luv everyone. I missed all of you too:)
Nuttin like my knitting and fiber friends to make me happy...oh and those whose blogs I have been stalking that have been sporting some awsome new shoes on them. I'm gonna gets me some new stompers soon!!!
Now, an important public service announcement....................................
Nuttin like my knitting and fiber friends to make me happy...oh and those whose blogs I have been stalking that have been sporting some awsome new shoes on them. I'm gonna gets me some new stompers soon!!!
Now, an important public service announcement....................................
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